Customer Testimonials

To John + Lea

Thank you so much for your wisdom, and help with all of theRead more
Rachael Fox
Thank you John and Clayton,
We love our new car, so much so its alwaysRead more
Colin and Jessica Reynolds
John and his wonderful team at Economy Cars bent over backwards to helpRead more Inglis Family
To Clayton, John & Nathan

Thanks for making my purchase so easy! I reallyRead more
This is a short note to let everyone know that i have been a customer ofRead more Kevin Garland
Hi John,

Just a quick line to thank you for coming to the party with myRead more
The team at Economy Cars have always been fantastic to deal with, and asRead more Nicola Paterson
A lovely car for a lovely lady. All the way from Balclutha, was she happyRead more Maragaret Woodrow
All smiles !! John shakes a very happy Sue's hand alongside her stunningRead more Sue Rendel
Another happy customer !! Referred to Economy Cars by his brother, VictorRead more Victor Wright
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